HMI Regional Meeting 3rd October 2023


  • Ms. Philippa Withero, Chair, HMI Council Member
  • Mr. Eamonn Fitzgerald, President of The European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE)
  • Mr. Gerry O’Dwyer, HOPE Liaison Officer, Ireland
  • Ms. Siobhan Regan, National Coordinator HOPE Exchange Programme Ireland

Title: HOPE Exchange Programme  2024

Location: Delivered via Zoom Webinar

HMI would like to thank Eamonn Fitzgerald, Gerry O’Dwyer and Siobhan Reganwho spoke about the HOPE organization and specifically about the HOPE Exchange Programme 2024.

The panel was joined by previous participants of the HOPE programme, who spoke with warmth and passion about their experiences while participating on the programme. They also spoke about the impact of participation on their careers since then and on the choices they made subsequently. Our thanks also to Philippa who chaired the meeting.


You can view the webinar here.

You can view the slides here.